Erik Veenstra

Lead Creation

BIO I’ve been told I'm the guy who makes the dreams come true.

People are full of ideas, but they are rarely able to bring them to life. There are two main reasons for this; firstly a lack of technical skills, and secondly, once you start to build something, you come to realise that the mind has no limitations and tends to take a lot of shortcuts. What seemed like a simple idea, can be near impossible in reality.

My ability to help clients further crystallise their ideas into something that is achievable is the value I bring to the table.

Together with my creative and technical colleagues I ensure that we can design, construct, build and realise those dreams.

It can be a battle at times, but finding eloquent and effective solutions that finally help us to realise that initial vision is what motivates me on a daily basis.

Fear not, there is always a way to be found!
