

Goedegebuur is an authentic Rotterdam family business that has thrived in the butchery industry. With a hundred years of experience under their belt, they know everything about meat but unfortunately little about marketing and communication. No problem, everyone has their expertise. What they were looking for was the ability to effectively convey a complex message.

The meat industry is undergoing a transition, and Goedegebuur didn't plan to wait for the change to happen. On the contrary, their ambition was to set a good example. But how do you internationally establish yourself as a responsible, sustainable entrepreneur? You can't exactly expect people to take you seriously with a blood-stained apron.


Responsible beef, thanks to the fact that we only work with dual purpose cows


After starting our quest for Goedegebuur's purpose statement together, we embarked on two parallel paths: developing a clear brand strategy with a corresponding brand manifesto and a thoughtful purpose marketing strategy with a corresponding marketing plan. Subsequently, we created a unique brand identity, revamped the entire branding, and designed a new website. Trade fair booths, client presentations, communication concepting, and prospect plans have followed from the same concept.



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What sets it apart

We only discovered along the way that Goedegebuur has been around for a hundred years. The coincidence was too good to pass up, so our advice was to apply for the Royal Warrant. But whether or not they receive the royal distinction, the pinnacle of our collaboration is the new purpose that will allow Goedegebuur to continue the success of four generations in a rapidly changing meat industry.




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